What did Qin Shi Huangdi make people use and what did they think about it?
He made people use the same writing, money, and measurements. He also wanted people to think the same way about things. Pretty harsh isn't it? People didn't like being told what to think.
It does sound harsh that he wanted them all to think the same about things. Technically, you can't force anyone to think like you want them to. (Unless brainwashing is involved.)And sometimes even then it doesn't work. Though I do agree with him when it comes to the same writing, money and measurement. It helps people understand eachother better. Wonderful research.
It does sound harsh that he wanted them all to think the same about things. Technically, you can't force anyone to think like you want them to. (Unless brainwashing is involved.)And sometimes even then it doesn't work. Though I do agree with him when it comes to the same writing, money and measurement. It helps people understand eachother better. Wonderful research.